Thursday 24 April 2014

One more sleep!

Well, a new day brings new news!! We decided this morning that we are quite comfortable with the extra outgoings each month. We have also found that we no longer talk of "if we get Ambassador" but "we can do this or that". Ideas and situations grow and develop and get easier to accept. When Marcus was first made redundant, I'd wake up in a cold sweat sometimes panicking about how we would cope with the bills; we just got on with the job and made the money.

Barclaycard won't transfer my credit limits form one card to another- it was worth asking but no matter as we still have the credit limit in place, albeit at a slightly higher rate.

Latterly, we have been spending silly amounts of money on eating out and "extras"- we spent a lot on decorating the house......we can really live without all that if it means we buy a boat- some amazing space that is just ours and our little hub away from the hustle & bustle of life.

It must be happening as I've already chosen the sofa bed for James xx

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